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 My mom always use to say that my spirit beat to the tune of a different drummer. I'm not sure what she was implying but I always took it as positive. I never follow the masses and I'm always looking for ways to improve quality of life for myself and that of my family. 3 years ago, we pulled our boys out of the brick and mortar type educational system looking for a way to show them how to be lifelong learners instead of memorizing things for a test. Without the pressure of the testing system, they are free to learn what and how they want. I'm amazed everyday how our lives and their lives have changed and for the better. I've always known that one person really can make a difference even when it doesn't feel like it. So, in the year 2021, looking to our new normal after the COVID pandemic, our family has decided we want to take our learning on the road and waterways. We've created this platform as a way to share our journey and share the products we use with you. As we grow, it is our hope that our products will be as clean sourced as possible. I want to leave the world a better place so we are always on the hunt for eco-friendly products while at the same time trying to benefit small and local businesses as much as we can. We won't always get it right but we will do our best. If you have products you can recommend or you find products on our site that don't align with our philosophies, we welcome your feedback.    BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER AND HAVE AN ATTITUDE 0F GRATITUDE                                                                                                                                  

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